Rosalie has an uncommon advantage in life having been raised in a tricultural home. The relentless bullying she received as a child because of how different she looked from the rest of the girls only fueled her desire to get out of her small town. That desire translated to drive and success. The fact that Rosalie is fluent in English, Spanish, and French becomes a true commodity in her fast-paced editorial role at La Mariposa Magazine in New York. She has everything going for her: a prestigious career, a beautiful New York apartment, great friends and family… but something is missing. Despite her beauty, intelligence, and je ne sais quoi, Rosalie is faced with a lingering void that haunts her daily. After she’s forced to take a deeper look into what is lacking in her life, Rosalie sets off for a new adventure in Paris where nothing but uncertainty awaits her. Her complicated ex-love and new virtual romance are just some of the many obstacles she will face. Her support system has been left behind in New York, and so she must figure out how to maneuver through the City of Love, hoping to reconnect with it despite the not so favorable past she has with it. Will she fall a new romance or rekindle an old one? Will she be successful professionally or return a failure? She believes that where there is loss, there is growth. Is this what awaits her?
Following the life of her protagonist, Rosalie, author April M. Salazar allows her audience a peak into the complex mind of her ever-evolving character. The internal dialogue she provides gives readers the opportunity to connect at a fundamental level with Rosalie. A strong women's literary format, Salazar challenges the false idea that the emotion-based thinking of women is a weakness and therefore should be looked down upon revealing that, in fact, it is their greatest strength. This is Salazar's first novel.